Low libido in women is one among the foremost common sensual dysfunction. To determine the number of the common reasons for lack of desire and the way to introduce some changes in daily lifestyle may cause an individual to enjoy intercourse and strengthen the relationship. Causes of low libido .

Improving Multi Casual Outcomes to Reverse Sensual Issues
Female sensual dysfunction is age-related, progressive, and highly prevalent, affecting half of population of women. While there are emotional and relational elements to female sensual function and response, dysfunction can occurs secondary to medical problems and have an organic basis. This paper addresses anatomy and physiology of normal female .

Female Up: Rapid Remedy for Female Sensual Dysfunction
Sensual dysfunction is a common problem among women. Almost half of all women have persistent problems with sensual interaction, such as little or no sensual drive, trouble reaching an orgasm, or pain during intercourse. A satisfying sensual act involves your body, mind, health, beliefs, and feelings toward your partner, among other .